Proposes modifications to Proposition A by moving the $15 minimum wage implementation date from 2026 to 2028, removing provisions tying Missouri's minimum wage to the Consumer Price Index, and eliminating the paid sick leave mandate.
Noteworthy Points:
- The bill sponsor presented a committee substitute that completely eliminates the paid sick leave requirement, which differed significantly from the original filed bill that only delayed implementation.
- Business representatives testified that the paid sick leave mandate's prohibition on asking why employees are sick creates serious issues for food safety in restaurants and other businesses.
- The Missouri Chamber of Commerce reported survey results indicating that one-third of Missouri businesses said Proposition A will cause them to hire fewer employees.
- Some committee members questioned whether it's appropriate to modify a voter-approved ballot initiative, while others argued voters didn't understand the complex regulatory details of the proposition.
00:06:14 -
: Rep. Gallic presents HB 567, explaining her concerns about the unintended consequences of Proposition A, particularly the sick leave mandate's impact on small businesses.
00:18:04 -
: Committee members question why the bill changed dramatically from its introduction to the committee substitute.
00:24:30 -
: Discussion about whether it's appropriate to modify a voter-approved initiative, with debate over whether voters fully understood Proposition A's provisions.
00:31:54 -
: Rep. Montseure discusses research on previous minimum wage increases showing positive economic effects and questions the bill sponsor about the estimated burden on businesses.
00:38:30 -
: Further committee questions about whether the legislation respects the will of voters, and concerns over liabilities for businesses under Proposition A.
00:55:52 -
: Opposition testimony from Ron Berry of Missouri Jobs with Justice, explaining that the initiative petition process included checks and balances.
01:08:34 -
: Missouri Chamber of Commerce testimony supporting the bill, citing survey data showing business concerns and explaining litigation risks under the paid sick leave mandate.
01:16:18 -
: Testimony from Associated Industries of Missouri explaining how the paid sick leave provisions create potential lawsuits for employers who question absences.
01:22:41 -
: Missouri Grocers Association representative explains the economic pressure of the wage increases on grocery stores and the problems with paid sick leave in the food service industry.
01:27:32 -
: Missouri Forest Products Association testimony highlighting Proposition A's impact on rural businesses.
01:28:57 -
: Missouri Restaurant Association testimony about the unique concern for restaurants needing to know why employees are sick for food safety reporting requirements.
No actions were taken on HB 567 during this hearing. The bill remains in committee for further consideration.
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Surface Score Reasoning:
This bill generated substantial debate as it seeks to modify a voter-approved initiative affecting all Missouri workers and businesses. The committee heard extensive testimony from multiple business interests about the potential economic impact and complex implementation challenges, particularly related to the paid sick leave provision.
Adds 21-year-old language regarding tobacco sales in Missouri, aligning state law with federal regulations to make it easier for municipalities to enforce age restrictions.
Noteworthy Points:
- The bill standardizes tobacco purchase age to 21 statewide
- Brief discussion focused on whether the bill would impact 18-year-olds' ability to sell tobacco products
- The bill appears to align with federal regulations already in place
00:01:18 -
: Introduction of House Committee substitute with 21-year-old language for tobacco purchase age.
00:02:15 -
: Clarification that the bill raises the age in Missouri for purchasing tobacco products consistently.
00:02:50 -
: Discussion about how the bill might impact 18-year-olds who work at businesses selling tobacco products.
The House Committee substitute for HB 344 was adopted and then passed with a vote of 8-2.
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Surface Score Reasoning:
While not generating extensive debate, this bill has meaningful public health implications by standardizing the tobacco purchase age. The 8-2 vote indicates some disagreement, though much less than other bills discussed in the session.
Similar to HB 567 in delaying Proposition A's minimum wage increase to 2028, but also increases the prevailing wage threshold for public works projects from $75,000 to $150,000.
Noteworthy Points:
- Contains provisions similar to HB 567 regarding Proposition A's minimum wage increase
- Uniquely adds a provision to increase the prevailing wage threshold for public works projects from $75,000 to $150,000
- Sponsor indicated the prevailing wage provision was requested by a local park board to reduce costs for small renovation projects
01:50:28 -
: Rep. Lewis presents HB 555, explaining the prevailing wage threshold increase and minimum wage implementation delay.
01:53:03 -
: Opposition testimony from the Mid-America Carpenters Regional Council regarding concerns about changing just one part of the prevailing wage law that was negotiated in 2018.
01:54:47 -
: Committee member comments about the history of prevailing wage negotiations from 2018 and concerns about reopening that issue.
No actions were taken on HB 555 during this hearing. The bill remains in committee for further consideration.
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Surface Score Reasoning:
This bill addresses the same Proposition A modifications as HB 567, but adds a potentially contentious prevailing wage component that drew opposition from labor representatives. The brief discussion at the end of the meeting limited debate, but the bill touches on two separate controversial issues.
This bill was voted on in executive session with minimal discussion of its content.
Noteworthy Points:
- Passed with minimal discussion
- Vote of 9-1 suggests broad agreement
00:04:54 -
: Motion for HB 437 to be voted due pass, roll call vote taken with minimal discussion.
HB 437 was voted due pass with a vote of 9-1.
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Surface Score Reasoning:
With minimal discussion and a strong vote in favor (9-1), this bill appears to be relatively non-controversial. Limited information provided about its content makes it difficult to assess its broader impact.